Polka Theatre
The Garek Trust has…
…donated significant funding towards the newly-launched Playwriting award
…funded an extra 3000 tickets for the ‘Curtain Up’ scheme
…funded a schools tour of a production in Spring 2025 over 3 weeks, reaching 1,800 children
Go Live Theatre Projects
The Garek Trust has…
…donated significant funding towards Summer Stage. TGT grant will support two week-long performing arts summer schools.
…funded 300 families to go to the theatre in Summer 2024 with ‘Family First Nights’

Theatre Royal Bath
The Garek Trust has funded…
…2500 Wonderfund tickets
…2 weeks junior apprentices work experience
…15 summer company 2025 bursary places
…1 pipeline apprentice
…5 theatre school bursaries
…2 pipeline production internships

The Guildhall School
The Garek Trust has…
…fully funded the ‘Backstage Roadshow’; a travelling roadshow that aims to reach those with no/little prior experience of Production Arts in a bid to demystify backstage language and practices.

Manton Avenue Project
The Garek Trust has…
…fully funded the MAP Summer Camp 2025. This theatre camp will see 20 young people from the Providence neighbourhood devise a performance, create scenery, and then perform their original works for a public audience. The four-week camp includes a 4-day camping trip to New Hampshire for rehearsals outdoors, hiking, swimming, stargazing and more!